We know you love the 60’s.. is there another era that you would have most liked to have grown up?
“The 70’s! Which is hilarious because i actually did.. lol.. I think it’s more I would have liked to come of age in the 60s or early 70s. I was too young in the 70s to appreciate by bellbottoms.”
If you could snap your fingers and manifest anything that’d get you out of bed in the morning, what would it be?
“A time machine! I’d go to London in the 60s. Or more realistically, a treasure hunt! Going anywhere I can sift through cool, old things.”
What fashion trend have you followed that you now think is ridiculous?
“None! I’m pretty proud of my fashion choices going all the way back. Even in the 80s! I wasn’t much of a trend follower. I did wear those black rubber Madonna bracelets, but I totally stand by that. 😊”
Favorite place to unwind?
“It takes me a long while to unwind. So I’d have to say any vacation that lasts more than 2 days. Strangely, I feel most content in cities. I think all the energy kind of neutralizes mine.”
We often hear impactful moments that people have while wearing our glasses. Do you have anything to share in particular?
“The endless barrage of compliments I keep getting about my glasses is starting to impact my spirit. I really feel like me in them. I love them so much.”