Promotional image featuring a message about doubling lenses and receiving a second pair for free.



  • Progressive: Progressive lenses offer a gradual transition from distance to near vision while also allowing you to see objects at arm’s lengthThis Ultimate Lens Package includes Varilux® X Series™ plus Crizal Sapphire®360°UV plus Transitions® Signature® VII.

  • Single Vision:  A single vision lens is a single correction for those who have trouble seeing close up or far away. The single vision Ultimate Lens Package includes Eyezen+TMplus Crizal Sapphire®360°UV plus Transitions® Signature® VII.  You can double your lenses with our Ultimate Offer, a special offer redeemable at a participating independent eyecare professional. If you purchase the progressive or single vision Essilor Ultimate Lens Package, you can get a second pair of qualifying lenses of equal or lesser value for free with the purchase of a second pair of frames.


The Ultimate Lens Package brings together three innovative technologies to deliver your best vision, clarity, and protection in one pair of lenses. There are two versions:

do i have to purchase a second frame?

Yes. A frame purchase is required for the free pair of qualifying lenses.

can i get any lenses i want as my second pair?

There are some restrictions. The second pair available to you depends on which Ultimate Lens Package you purchase. Your eyecare professional can also help you review eligible products.

  • Progressive: Your second pair must include one or a combination of the following Essilor products only:  Any Varilux, Crizal, Transitions, Eyezen+, Xperio UV, or single vision design lenses. The single vision design must have at least one of the following: Crizal, Transitions or Xperio UV.

  • Single Vision: Your second pair must include one or a combination of the following Essilor products only:  Any Eyezen+, Crizal, Transitions, Xperio UV, or single vision design lenses. The single vision design must have at least one of the following: Crizal, Transitions or Xperio UV.

what about the new transitions® lenses?

You’re in luck! The new Transitions® Signature® style colors can be included as part of the Single Vision Essilor Ultimate Lens Package, as well as with the free second pair of lenses. Transitions® XTRActive® style mirrors are only available on the second pair if you purchase the single vision Ultimate Lens Package.

Your eyecare professional can help you choose a second pair that fits your needs.

does the second pair have to be for me, or can it be for someone else?

Yes, the second pair is only eligible for the person purchasing the Essilor Ultimate Lens Package, but we think you’ll enjoy having two pairs of glasses.

do i have to get the second pair at the same time?

Yes. You will need to buy the frames for your second pair of glasses at the same time and from the same participating eyecare provider where you purchase your Essilor Ultimate Lens Package.

is there a limit on how many pairs i can get?

You can get a free second pair of lenses for each Essilor Ultimate Lens Package you buy. You must purchase frames for each second pair and the free lenses must meet the qualifying conditions described above.